
Some facts....

     Unlike the town of Penfield, which had to pay Dolomite 3.6 million for 206 acres of land next to the old Penfield Quarry, Dolomite donated 110 acres next to the Gates Quarry. The town jumped on this. "Free land", was proclaimed at the Informational Meeting. But why was this "free" land? It was originally intended to be a quarry mined on the south side of the railroad tracks, next to the existing quarry. That wasn't allowed and never happened. The land was farmed, and then small Christmas trees were planted in the 1960's with a reforestation program. The trees grew, they were sold at Christmas time, but some just kept growing. That area has become a tangle of trees and brush and weeds. It was NEVER a beautiful golf course like Penfield. Rather, it became a mess over the years and a possible fire hazard if it ever ignited. Four wheelers used it as a racetrack, scaring the deer and wildlife that inhabited the land. Some people still walk back there, but not like before, it is tangled and very inaccessible. Not very park-like, not like a golf course at all.

     About nine years ago, the land was up for sale/auction. The last price was $100,000, but that fell through and nothing happened. The limestone bedrock lies under most of it, and not too far down. Some rock is visible by the railroad tracks. Some of the area is considered "wetlands". Tough to have utilities or basements for housing. Not a real gem for developers or it would have been bought up long ago. 
There is wildlife living there, from deer, to rabbits, squirrels, wild turkeys, foxes and all kinds of birds, and who knows what other animals.
If it becomes a park, it will need to be cleaned up without disturbing the wildlife.
Those seem to be mutually exclusive ideas.

It could use cleared buffer spaces behind the residents back yards in case of fire.
But residents don't want people walking from the public park into their backyards anyways, like what has been reported at Brook-Lea Country Club and Firestone Drive.
Gatherings like the unruly crowd at Tinsel Town Movie theater 8-27-23 could easily happen in an open park like this.

Before the donation of land, Dolomite was liable for anything that happened on that land and posted No Trespassing signs. The Town is now the new owner and liable for anything that happens back there.
A packed informational meeting on July 17, 2023, that was only announced to selected residents, indicated that none of the residents present, wanted a highway department built on this land.

If you are interested in signing the petition, please leave your name and email address and someone will get back to you. But you need to answer the email we send, with your contact information, or we can't get the petition to you. Thanks.

2 thoughts on “Background”

  1. Give me a break. God forbid we have more public green space for people to enjoy. People, there are already many neighborhood parks in Gates, how much crime happens in them??

    Perhaps, but this is a half mile back with little access and an invitation to gatherings. Or did
    you miss the problem that happened at Tinseltown last summer?
    Besides, the Highway Department is the worst issue. The effect on traffic will be an added nightmare,
    and people moving out will just invite renters in, and an entire neighborhood will deteriorate.

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