Gates Dolomite Woods Group on FW

The Gates Dolomite Woods Group on Facebook represents a group of citizens in Gates, NY who are concerned about the future of the 110-acre wooded area that was gifted to the Town by the Dolomite Group in February 2022. This parcel is located directly south of the railroad tracks that borders the southern edge of the Dolomite rock quarry (off Buffalo Road), east of Howard Road, north of Hinchey Road, and west of Lettington Ave./Renouf Dr./Cheshire Lane. It is boxed in by residential properties on the 3 sides with an active railroad line to the north.

We use the Facebook site to provide a single location for interested parties to share questions, concerns, news and suggested next steps.

This  FW site is the Gates Environmental Citizens Group which shares the same concerns and provides a means of contact on the first page to petition.