Finding Ways

This webpage is not social media. Unlike social media, this website is looking at ideas and concepts that are being “explored”.  Specifically, a certain donation of land and some very bad ideas, and how they may have come about. These “ideas” may not only destroy a neighborhood, but an entire town in the process.

To be generous, sometimes good intentioned people make bad decisions. Or lose sight of the original plan. But, because of the seemingly loss of common sense in this “concept”, one might wonder if there are other ulterior motives at work here, which is always possible, and may need investigation. But going back to some ideas that are simply bad thinking,  let us continue by offering these ideas…

Reusing the highway department land we are using now, can be much more beneficial than making a mess elsewhere.

Recycling the existing site or even spending a million dollars on buying land  may be a cheap investment in avoiding  a  bad choice that cannot be undone,  no matter what you do.

The strategy of a new highway department may have gotten sidetracked with the land donation and the original strategy was lost.  The donation as alluded to at the informational meeting, was intended as  a  possible park environment,  but “foiled” emails indicate a that a Highway Department Campus was the intent first, with a park second,  and hopefully  all this without disturbing wildlife. And even that alone has its own concerns.

Read on, to see what Harvard Review said about bad choices:

9 Habits that lead to poor decisions  by Harvard Review