Gates Environmental Citizens Group


 Would you want an entire Highway Department Complex in your backyard, with salt piles, stormwater ponds and dumping areas? Or how about a park with public access and walking trails behind you house, too?
   Would you like to get stuck in a traffic nightmare and then have to shell out 
higher taxes to pay for it?

   The Gates Environmental Citizens Group is a group of citizens in Gates directly affected by the Dolomite Land project, who found out about the project by chance, since the Town never asked us about it. By pressuring the town to give us more information, we have learned the scope of the project and realize the risks it could impose on the entire Town of Gates. 

   The Town received ~$2.9 million (unspent) from the American Rescue Plan Act and has a Fund Balance in Excess of $8.5 million. Further, once it re-assesses property values it will generate even more revenue. It can easily afford to buy another property. 
    Recycling the existing site or even spending a million dollars on buying land  may be a cheap investment in avoiding a bad choice that cannot be undone, no matter what you do. Gates is not getting bigger and does not need a larger facility just to compete with other towns. But it does need some leaders who represent the citizens and make responsible decisions. 
   There is a "Reply" Comment form at the bottom of this page for you to use to provide your contact information for a petition for the right to vote on this very serious matter. There is no membership option like Facebook. So for privacy, your name and email address is not published when you comment. You may use the website field to insert phone or address. Once entered, someone from GECG will then be able to get back to you if you want to provide any other contact information in order to sign the petition.
   But you need to answer the email we send you, with your contact information, or we can't get the petition to you. Thanks.
   (You can also send a request to petition to with your contact information, and we will get back to you.)
    Plus, you can always contact the Town Board directly with your views.
  Channel13NewsStory 8-8-24

45 thoughts on “Gates Environmental Citizens Group”

  1. I get annoyed with the town on this issue. For the most part, since we moved here 22 years ago, the town has been good to the residents with fiscal responsibility and keeping the town clean. But on this issue, I am in complete disagreement. It wasn’t until they got the donation from Dolomite, that all of a sudden we need a new Highway Department?? If the property wasn’t donated, then what would they do if they really needed a new building. They claim it is because the equipment is sitting outside in the elements… well, hasn’t that equipment been sitting outside perfectly fine for the last 3 decades? I suggest the town pretend that land doesn’t exist and come up with a plan as if there was no donation from Dolomite. I am sure there is an Attorney that lives in gates, that would be willing to help start a lawsuit from the residents. I would absolutely donate to that cause, and I am not even impacted by the move.
    Great Comments! Thank You! Had to change your Moniker name although we would liked to have printed it. Don’t know if your email address is valid so our reply is here: The thing is, FOILed emails indicate that the town actually requested the donation of the land with the intent of the Highway department in the request, way back in 2020. This was all planned. But we only found out about it two years later by chance. If there is an attorney out there interested, please come forward. You, or any one else can always contact us at FW

    1. TO ALL. You can also help the decision by impacting the town board members. Stop doing business with
      Colony Dry Cleaners
      Diponzio Funeral Home
      And Cordero’s landscape and plowing business.

      Send them letters, and let area residents to tell their friends to not use any of these businesses. That would be a strong message. AND… if there are e-mails requesting donation, with intent to put the HWY dept there, then this needs to be sent to the state. Plus, if you are that angry, as I know a lot are, then vote them out. I have been a loyal in this town for more than 20 years, I am done with Cosmo. I would vote for Charles Manson before I vote for Cosmo again.

  2. I will sign, moved to Gates for a reason and a highway facility taking over green space was not one of them

  3. I will sign.
    How about using these funds to repair the crumbling road & bridges in Gates? How about providing public municipal fiber optic broadband in all of our town? What about property tax relief? These projects are a higher priority than upgrading the already sufficient DPW facility.
    I will sign the petition.

  4. The Town needs to be more transparent about this. What’s wrong with the old building? Why can’t that’s site be renovated? We definitely don’t need more wetland destroyed.

    I’d like to take a look at the petition.

  5. My husband and I both disagree with plans to destroy and deforest the acres in this matter. We both will happily sign this petition!

  6. they just repaved Hinchey…large trucks would cause quicker decline
    have you looked at the aerial photo on google maps of the current location…that mess would be awful in our area. Find an industrial area or build around the current area and clean up what you already have.

  7. We have roads that are some of the worst in the county. We have properties all across the town that are in disrepair and unmaintained. We don’t need to spend money on a new Highway Department and walking trails which by the way will put further strain on an already overwhelmed police department. We don’t live in “the backyard” but will be happy to sign a petition.

  8. There should always be a buffer between bedroom communities and business and industrial sites. The noise and pollution from business and industrial sites interferes with sleep and peace and health. Residents need protection from factors that undermine their health.

  9. I’ll sign. I completely opposed thus project and the deforestation of 112 acres of land for such a ridiculous project. Thanks!

  10. I will definitely sign. There are too many ramifications that affect the community and environmental eco systems that reside there. Not to mention what it will do to the value of my home.

  11. The lack of consultation with those directly affected is disappointing. I will sign. We live one street over!

  12. Everything about this is is wrong, especially the way they tried to sneak it through. Can anyone say “transparency”? There should be a public referendum regarding this where the pros ( if there are any) and cons can be presented and discussed. We live nearby but are not directly affected yet still are totally against this.
    Response: Please consider sending an email to all the Town board members. Thanks.

  13. What I hate most about this is the way they tried to sneak it in. Can anyone say “transparency “? Everything about this is wrong. Should be a public referendum about this presenting the pros (if there are any) and cons, where affected residents can listen and present their views.

  14. Situations like this are why politicians suck. Everything done in secret behind closed doors when something like this, at the very least, should be voted on by the town residents. As for wildlife and green space, this is unacceptable…Gates is starting to look like The Town of Greece. We need the green space as much as the wildlife does. Where else would all those creatures that depend on trees for food and shelter go? The residents affected will see plummeting property values as well as the loss that wonderful buffer of the mature wooded areas behind their homes. The potential for increased crime should worry people there as well. While I do not live in the affected area, I live CLOSE ENOUGH. I feel for the residents in that neighborhood and would not want that I my back yard either. I absolutely will sign the petition.

    Well said! Thank you!

  15. I agree with E.N. and J.D. animals need a place to be wild, it would increase crime and decrease the privacy of this homes, Gates could renovate the DPW and parks that currently exist rather than develop this area while abandoning existing infrastructure.
    I’d be really upset if I had to deal with all the traffic that it’s going to add to the area.

    Another good point! Thank you. Traffic may become a nightmare and this would not be able to be undone.

  16. I really feel sorry for the wildlife and I do not think the town needs a new place for the DPW. What is wrong with the one on Trabold Road? Just what we need is a park with walking trails to give access to the back of our houses. With the crime rate in New York State and no punishment I fear for the future.

    Great comment! Trabold Rd. is the perfect place if they actually need to build a another DPW. You bring up a good point about crime.

  17. I live in Gates, but this is not in my backyard. What is in my backyard is the increased flooding as we develop all watershed areas. The wildlife that has no place left to be wild. I am more than happy to sign this petition and have Gates renovate the DPW and parks that currently exist rather than develop this area while abandoning existing infrastructure.

    Great comment, Thank you!!!

  18. Di i have to live in Gates to sign the petition??
    Yes, you have to be Gates resident to sign, but feel free to complain to the town if not.

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